Tempus Project

Павел Орлов
5 min readOct 10, 2021

Today’s world is a world of cryptocurrencies, online exchanges, trading platforms and special protocols.
A rapidly developing decentralized protocol such as Tempus deserves special attention. It allows users to speculate on profitability in order to generate income or optimize it further.
Tempus also works as a profitability aggregator and aims to provide auxiliary APYs on profitable tokens.


The Tempus protocol is currently being developed and tested.
The main goal of the protocol is to allow all users to implement optimization of the current impact of volatile profitability to more productively match their risk parameters. This action is due to the division of the YBT(yield bearing tokens) token into 2 completely new types: Principals and Yields.
The types of intra-system tokens used by Tempus Protocol:
Token Principal — These are interchangeable types of tokens that allow any user to redeem them no later than a set maturity date;

Token Interest. Interchangeable tokens that allow the user to redeem them after the maturity date to accrue profit on each unit of the underlying token between the set trigger date and the maturity date.

A similar system involving the breakdown of the underlying asset into tokens within the platform itself is seen in projects such as Pendle and Element. This is a significantly new strategy for DeFi, capable of transforming itself into a trend and becoming more popular among DeFi space users.
The first full Tempus Protocol due diligence was scheduled for August of this year.


Most of the different types of farming produce a wave-like income. This implies the fact that investor profits can be quite different. And no one knows the amount of profit it can bring users. Today, it is not at all easy to get a constant and fixed profitability.
Fixed profitability gives an opportunity to trade split tokens. A unique AMM was created for this purpose, which takes into account the user characteristics of these tokens.
The Tempus protocol is characterized by the availability of several options for using the platform, such as:
profitability farming according to a fixed rate;

profitability of farming according to leverage;

speculating on short-term or long-term fluctuations in interest rate or profitability;

receipt of swap commissions as a liquidity provider (other than income derived from pharming protocols).

Initially, the protocol should support some of the most liquid tokens for farming. Later, other profit-generating assets will gradually be added. Monitoring user demand, covering common AMM LP tokens for popular pairs, will enable the inclusion of new assets in the future.


The Tempus controller is the main access point to the Tempus protocol. It is used to activate all user actions in the protocol, such as: deposit and redemption. It is also used as an interface simplifier for users, especially for users who want to perform atomic transactions.
Atomic transactions that Tempus Controller supports:

Deposit and liquidity provisioning;

Deposit and fixed yield;

Exit completion and redemption.


Our team made this atomic action for users who want to be liquidity providers. The action deposits a BackingToken or YieldBearingToken on behalf of the user into the TempusPool and then, provides liquidity to TempusAMM using newly created Principals and Yields.

In other versions, when the platform has the right amount of liquidity, each user will be able to create pools with the desired properties and features.


TempusPool is the main smart contract in the Tempus protocol. It contains all blocked YieldBearingToken tokens. It is also used to mint principals and deposit yields and burn them at redemption in exchange for the YieldBearingToken.

Each pool in the Tempus program has certain unique properties that are defined by:

The supported YieldBearingToken (e.g., stETH or cDai);

Each YieldBearingToken can have multiple pools with different maturities. Since each different YieldBearingToken comes from a different underlying protocol (such as Aave, Compound or Lido), each underlying protocol has a separate pool implementation that implements certain methods from TempusPool for each protocol. Currently, Tempus supports Lido, Compound, and Aave, but the Tempus team is working on adding more integrations.


This is an important component of the Tempus protocol. It allows users to exchange yields and principals with each other, or provide liquidity to the platform to receive commissions from the liquidity provider. Each TempusAMM is linked to the corresponding TempusPool, and they are initialized simultaneously.

We know much less about the yield value at the beginning of the pool, but over time we can check the exact yield value that accumulates in the pool, and by the time we reach the Maturity Date, we know the full value.

In developing the AMM, we wanted to optimize two key properties:
When approaching maturity, we want trades to be less sensitive to the balances in the pool and closer to the actual yield that is accumulating.
TempusAMM is implemented as a Curve Stableswap type AMM with some minor modifications that required . Stable pools are designed to exchange between stablescoins or coins with the same value.

TempusAMM has implemented a fixed commission model, which will initially be set at 0.2%, which will be charged to those who provide liquidity to TempusAMM.


Protocol managed to raise $1,900,000 in the Seed round.
Both venture capital funds and market makers in the DeFi environment participated. The round was led by Lemniscap (cases Pendle, Liquity, Axelar) followed by Divergence Ventures (cases Ribbon, Charm, Fractional), Tomahawk VC, GSR, Wintermute, LAUNCHub and Supernova.

In the near future, Tempus wants to raise additional investments in the Series A round boundaries.


Tempus Protocol is first integrating with the following platforms: Lido, Aave and Compound. In the near future it is expected to introduce new integrations and partners.
The project got $30 000 grant from LEGO(Lido Ecosystem Grants Organization) to integrate stETH token into Tempus platform. The team is rapidly working on the successful launch of the protocol in its entirety.

Useful links:
Website: http://tempus.finance/
Documents: http://docs.tempus.finance/
Discord: http://discord.tempus.finance/
Medium: http://medium.tempus.finance/
Twitter: http: //twitter.tempus.finance/
Github: http://github.tempus.finance/



Павел Орлов

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